Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pack from Japan arrived!

Hello everyone!
Today has been a beautiful day: a pack from Japan I was waiting for is finally arrived!
My Japanese friend Komarin sent me some official goods of the WANDS fanclub "WANDER-LAND" that she didn't like. Here the photos:

This was the envelope (the official envelope!) in which I found the goods.

This is a photo which is also a sticker! Of course I'll never use it! I'll store it as it is! It's a very cool photo because it has silver reflex! Wonderful!

This is the bulletin inside.

This is the second page: I love the WANDS logo...

This is the inside! I wish I could read this, ahahah!

Anyway, Thank you very much, my friend! You've sent me lots of beautiful presents! I'll always keep them!